Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hi There!

I'm now officially in *LOVE* with PeanutButterWiki! PB because it's as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich - aren't they clever?!?! It's a free wiki-hosting site that is completely beginner-friendly...hence my adoration. I'm trying to keep my law school stuff organized, and this seems to be the perfect solution (once I learn a few tricks). For those of you who don't know what a wiki is, don't ask me :) because I don't really know either. Ask the guys at pbwiki.com. They know everything!

Get a free wiki at PBwiki.com. Check out the PBwiki tour!

PBwiki logo

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Well, I just got back from being a farmer! Daine and I spent the weekend in Lonoke (go Jackrabbits!) to watch Fletcher's homecoming game. It was FABULOUS! I got to shoot a rifle, drive a conbine, and go horseback riding bareback - all definite firsts for me. Daine and I attempted to go deer watching, but all we saw was a pack of raccoons. They were almost as exciting. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I spent the afternoon attempting to catch up on the 5,000 thank you notes I owe people - a daunting task for any college graduate with a serious habit of procrastination! I find myself so completely addicted to my computer that I have to type my note first, then actually write it on paper. Does this make me completely insane or do other people have this strange obsession with running everything through Microsoft spell-check?

I suggested to David that we institute 'Technology-Free Fridays' at the Walton College to cure everyone from their technological-dependency. He emailed me back - not so much. I suppose I'll keep trying. Of course, perhaps an online blog is not the best forum for advocating independence from computers. Hmmmm...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

My first thoughts...

It's funny - now that I have time to create a blog, my life is so boring that I don't have anything to say...

I'm trying to transfer everything to this blog from my original spot, which has now turned into my photoblog. It's very fabulous and you can check it out at http://rebeccastubbs.blogspot.com.

Perhaps I'll come up with something fabulous to say soon. Fun times!

RLS :)